Sunday, March 20, 2016

Pengaruh Jejaring Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja

 So I have a duty to practice school test scores on " the influence of social networks on the behavior of adolescents ".

Kita semua pasti sudah tidak asing lagi donk, mendengar kata "Jejaring Sosial". Karena kita semua pasti mempunyai beberapa app dari sekian banyak app yang ada. Jejaring Soial adalah suatu struktur sosial yang dibentuk dari simpul-simpul (yang umumnya adalah individu atau organisasi) yang dijalin dengan satu atau lebih tipe relasi spesifik seperti nilai, visi, ide, teman, keturunan, dll. Analisis jaringan jejaring sosial memandang hubungan sosial sebagai simpul dan ikatan.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dance Quotes 2

I think most dancers would agree that the art of ballet chooses the dancer, not the other way around.
-Kevin McKenzie-
Beginning dancer. Knows nothing.
Intermediate dancer. Knows everything. Too good to dance with beginners. Hotshot dancer. Too good to dance with anyone.
Advanced dancer. Dances everything. Especially with beginners.

Dancing is the poetry of the foot.
-John Dryden-
Dance is bigger than the physical body. Think bigger than that. When you extend your arm, it doesn't stop at the end of your fingers, because you're dancing bigger than that: your dancing spirit.
-Judith Jamison-

The Ballerina Body Workout

Remember how you saw Black Swan last year and totally coveted Natalie Portman's svelte bod? And remember how you meant to learn some ballet moves to tone up…but never got around to it? (It's okay, we're guilty too.) We asked Noelle Zane, a former dancer who owns and instructs at Pure Barre in Philadelphia, to show us three ballet-inspired exercises for your butt, thighs, hips, and core—and, well, let's just say that things are already looking perkier down there.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

10 Things Dance Teachers Say

20 Essential Items to Pack in Your Dance Bag (By Lisa Jo Sagolla)

20 Essential Items to Pack in Your Dance Bag

When you're a dancer, your body is your instrument, yet "playing" it often requires a variety of items, which is why dancers lug around those enormous bags. Like a plumber who discovers he doesn't have the right size wrench, there's nothing worse than being out on a dance job and finding yourself without the tools you need. So as you start to gear up for the new season of auditions, classes, and rehearsals, use this handy checklist to make sure your dance bag contains everything you will require to be safe, comfortable, and successful in your dance and movement work.

1. Dance shoes

Of every sort! Especially when going to an audition, it is important to bring a variety of shoes. In addition to your basic ballet slippers or jazz sneakers, make sure to pack shoes for all the specialty dance forms you can do, such as tap or pointe work. You never know what kind of dancing you'll be asked to perform. A choreographer may suddenly want to see a different style, even if it wasn't specified in the audition notice, especially if your résumé indicates that you can do it. And ladies, always have something with a heel.


written by Melanie Doskocil, original post found at her blog, Ballet Pages

1. Dance is hard. – No dancer ever became successful riding on their natural born talents only. Dancers are artists and athletes. The world of dance today is akin to an extreme sport. Natural ability and talent will only get us so far. Dancers must work hard and persevere. Dancers give years of their lives plus their sweat, tears and sometimes blood to have the honor and pleasure of performing on stage.

Fungsi Gadget

So this is school project about the function of gadget in blog.....

a.Search Box : Akan memberikan kemudahan bagi pembaca dalam  mengakses informasi.

Ballet Quotes

The purpose of art is higher than art. What we are really interested in are masterpieces of humanity.
-Alonzo King-
Technique--bodily control--must be mastered only because the body must not stand in the way of the soul's expression. The only reason for mastering technique is to make sure the body does not prevent the soul from expressing itself.
-La Meri-
A toe shoe is as eccentric as the ballerina who wears it: their marriage is a commitment.
-Toni Bentley-

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Six Incredible Benefits of Ballet (By Kristie Leong M.D.)

Whether you're looking for an activity for yourself or for your child, ballet offers many potential benefits for both body and mind. It's a total body workout that requires both discipline and focus but is also quite enjoyable. Plus, ballet is usually taught in a group setting which gives you the opportunity to interact with other dancers. Here are some of the many benefits of ballet:

Ballet benefit: Promotes better posture
Ballet exercises require the use of good posture and alignment. For this reason, many ballet classes teach postural alignment exercises which help to promote good posture and create awareness of good alignment as you carry out your daily activities.

Top 10 Famous Ballets of All Time


Swan Lake

Music by: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Choreography by: Julius Reisinger
This is perhaps the first ballet that will come up in our mind when we talk about famous ballets. Written as Tchaikovsky’s first ballet, “Swan Lake” is now a long standing classic that has held audience captive for over a century. Its story follows a young prince who sees a beautiful swan, which soon turns into a woman, Odette. She tells the prince of a cursed spell holding her captive as a swan. A true tale of the power of love, the music follows the prince as he attempts to rescue and then marries the princess Odette. Although not immediately received in its late 1800’s debut, “Swan Lake” continues to make its four-act presence known every year.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Balet adalah nama dari salah satu teknik tarian. Karya tari yang dikoreografi menggunakan teknik ini dinamakan balet, dan meliputi: tarian itu sendiri, mime, akting, dan musik (baik musik orkestra ataupun nyanyian). Balet dapat ditampilkan sendiri atau sebagai bagian dari sebuah opera. Balet terkenal dengan teknik virtuosonya seperti pointe work, grand pas de deux, dan mengangkat kaki tinggi-tinggi. Teknik balet banyak yang mirip dengan teknik anggar, barangkali karena keduanya mulai berkembang dalam periode yang sama, dan juga karena keduanya membutuhkan teknik keseimbangan dan pergerakan yang mirip.